Past posts (~programming)
Archives by Category
- DNI electrónico (dnie) + Mac + Chrome
- Setting up FTP server on Ubuntu
- Useful Linux & Unix commands
- Delete "dead" files (links) in iTunes library
- Restore WordPress database on a new server
- Create a SSL Certificate on Ubuntu
- LAMP: launch a site on Ubuntu server
- How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu
- How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu
- Basic server setup on Ubuntu
- Permalinks Wordpress
- Permalinks on WordPress (Ubuntu)
- Subtitles Offset
- Permalinks on Wordpress (amazon EC2)
- SSH Public Key Based Authentication
- remove_filter function in Wordpress
- Wordpress in Spanish
- Orphan next post arrow in Safari and Chrome
- VIM tab configuration
- Password Protect a Directory with .htaccess
- wp-cv plugin creation
- WP-reCAPTCHA: javascript error in pages without submit button
- CoRD - Remote Desktop Protocol
- Code Snippet (second part)
- Code Snippet
- Two blogs in the same page